
Showing posts from May, 2022

GIS5103 - Debugging and Error Handling

 During module 2 of GIS Programming we learned about fixing errors. In particular we were taught of various ways of identifying errors and how to handle them. The first method of identifying errors included simply running the script to see the error presented if the script failed to run. The error presented states the type of error and tells the user which line of the script it can be found on. The second method, referred to a debugging, runs the script line by line allowing the user to pinpoint the issue(s). We also learned how to implement a try-except  statement. A try-except  statement in placed strategically in the script to handle the error, allowing the script to successfully run with the error present. An exception is made for the error.  This week we were tasked with fixing the errors in three scripts. The first script had a few syntax errors or spelling errors. Below is an image of the successful result and an accompanying flow chart.  The second scrip...

GIS 5103 - Python Fundamentals

 Welcome to GIS Programming! This course is introduces students to Python, which is the primary programming language used in GIS. During the first week of this course we got an understanding of the fundamentals of python. This included, but was not limited to, learning basic functions, methods, lingo and running script. For many, including me, this was the first time we had any experience with python, which meant that it was a quite intimidating and a little overwhelming. However, some adjustment to my usual thought process and exploring some additional resources proved to be fruitful.  I was able to successfully create what I believe to be a simple script, identify errors in an existing script and run them to obtain the results in the image below. I've also included three flow charts of the process below. 

GIS 5007 - Google Earth Virtual Tour

The final week of GIS 5007 here and the course has ended by exploring Neo Cartography. Simply put Neo Cartography refers to the new wave of cartography and cartographic practices, and the direction it is headed in. Highlighted in this week's lecture was Volunteered Geographic Information (VGI) and 3D mapping. VGI refers to an app/site/initiative that allows volunteers to contribute locational information regarding a specific topic. In most instances persons volunteering have limited training, however the data produced is publicly available. VGI, while it does have some disadvantages and limitations, can be extremely helpful in areas where data is limited and, also, cost effective.  To explore 3D mapping, this week's lab introduced students to utilizing KML files in conjunction with Google Earth Pro to create a virtual tour. While only some of the images in Google Earth Pro appear in 3D, such as urban centers, the virtual tour function gives cartographers the option of displayin...