GIS 5050 Week 6 - Georeferencing, Editing & 3D


As the title of this blog post suggests, week 6 tasked students with georeferencing raster layers, editing two vector layers and using LiDAR data to produce a 3D map. Georeferencing raster layers proved to be quite an intricate process. It required identifying features on the raster image that matched the spatially accurate vector data. While choosing common features it was important to choose features that are static/stagnant or unlikely to change such as buildings or road intersections. Once a common feature was identified we input control points that would line the raster layer up with the spatially accurate vector layers. Once the raster layers were georeferenced, we then edited the buildings and roads layers. Using the georeferenced images of the UWF campus we digitized building 072 and Campus Lane. We also created a multiple ring buffer for a protected Eagles Nest on UWF campus property. The georeferenced images, digitized building and road, and the multiple ring buffer can be seen in the map above. 

The 3D deliverable was made optional, however I decided to complete it as I was interested in learning how to produce a 3D map. To create the 3D map we used LiDAR data to create a DEM. Once the DEM was created it was displayed in 3D by using the elevation information. The georeferenced raster layers and vector data were displayed on top of the DEM and it came to life. We also made the buildings appear in 3D which added to the overall look. To view my completed 3D map you can visit the following link:


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