GIS 5050 Week 7/8 - The Final Project


The time has come. The end is here. It is the final week/s of GIS5050. As such, we were expected to complete a final project. For our final assignment we were tasked with performing an analysis of the Florida Power and Light (FPL) Bobwhite-Manatee Project Transmission Line, which allowed us to utilize the various skills we learned during the semester. To do this we had four criteria which included defining homes within proximity of the transmission line, schools within proximity of the transmission line, imposition of the transmission line on parcels and environmentally sensitive line, and determining the length of the transmission line. My map of environmentally sensitive land imposed on by the transmission line is displayed above. Once we completed our analysis we then had to present it in the form of a power point presentation or a story map. I chose to do a story map titled "FPL Bobwhite-Manatee Transmission Line Feasibility Analysis".

The final project was quite interesting and fun to complete. I particularly enjoyed putting together the story map. There were, however, some frustrating moments. The most frustrating part for me was figuring out how to apply audio to the video presentation of my story map. The only other thing I would have loved is a little more time to complete, as there were one or two things I would have liked to add to my story map and the learning curve for me to produce a video presentation was a little steep. Overall this class has been an enjoyable experience and I look forward to seeing what my other GIS classes will bring my way. 


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