GIS 5103 - Geoprocessing

This week's topic is Geoprocessing! After focusing on learning Python for the past two modules, it was nice to see how python is used specifically for GIS and geoprocessing. In the first instance, we got a quick review or crash course (depending on your knowledge base) on utilizing geoprocessing tools, batch processing and model building. While it is possible to utilize a geoprocessing tool to complete one process, batch processing allows you to utilize one tool to process multiple inputs, and model building allows you to utilize many tools to complete a workflow instead of one tool at a time. We then learned how to utilize python script to run a geoprocessing tool or complete a workflow using multiple tools. 

For our assignment we were required to add XY coordinates of a hospitals shapefile, create a 1000 meter buffer, and dissolve the buffer into a single feature. Below are my results.  

Once the necessary module were added and environment set, I ensured the overwrite option was enabled, as there was a possibility that this script would need to be run/debugged several times to ensure it ran correctly. I then input the relevant lines of code to run the various processes and print the required result, taking into consideration suggestions made in the assignment document, such as using "\n" to add space to the results for a neater finish. I did run into an issue when attempting to dissolve the buffer shapefile. However, little research regarding the error made me realize that the name of the shapefile would not suffice, but rather the input for the shapefile required an entire file path. 


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