GIS 5100 - Suitability Analysis

 Module 6 is here! For the 6th and final module students have been tasked with creating two blog posts. This is my first blog post for this module and the focus is Suitability Analysis. We were tasked with creating a suitability map which models and rates the best locations for development. To do this we had to take into consideration criteria that best determines suitable locations for development. As such, the following are the criteria:

Criteria 1: Landcover best suited for development, such as agricultural or meadows.

Criteria 2: Soil best suited for development.

Criteria 3: Gentle slopes .

Criteria 4: Areas more than 1000 ft away from streams.

Criteria 5: Areas that are near to roads. 

For each of the above criteria rasters were ranked or created then ranked via reclassification. This step was followed by performing a weighted overlay analysis, which combined the criteria at various weights to determine the most suitable areas for development. The weighted analysis was performed twice. The first time all criteria had equal weights of 20 percent. The second time the criteria weight was as follows: Land cover 20%, Soils 20%, Slope 40%, Distance to streams 10% and Distance to roads 10%. The results from the analysis are displayed in the map below. 


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